The Apex Bank is a pioneer in agricultural finance and allied activities in Karnataka. The Bank, thanks to its broad spectrum of activities and a proven track record, is ranked as one of the premier State Cooperative Banks in the country. The Bank’s main objectives are to serve the farmers in the State by providing Short and Medium term agricultural loans, carry on general Banking business and function as a leader of Co-operative Banks in the State.
The Bank also provides Cash Credit loans to agro processing and marketing activities, consumer cooperatives and sugar factories in Karnataka. It provides term loans to sugar factories under consortium arrangements and working capital loans to state level and national level co-operative institutions.
The main aims and objectives of the Bank defined in the Bank Bye Law No. III are given below.
- to serve as a State Co-operative Bank and as a balancing center in the State of Karnataka for registered co-operative societies.
- to raise funds by way of deposits, loans, grants, donations, subscriptions, subsidies etc. for financing the members by way of loans, cash credits, over-drafts and advances.
- to develop, assist and co-ordinate the member DCCBs and other Co-operative Societies and secure financial assistance for them.
- to arrange/hold periodical Co-operative Conferences of the DCCBs and other members of the bank and to take action for the growth & development of the Co-operative Credit Movement.
- to participate in financing Co-operative and other institutions who are members of the bank, directly or through consortium of Bankers.
- to participate in the schematic lending and to provide loans for which refinance facility is available with term lending institutions.
- to arrange for the inspection and supervision of the affiliated DCCBs and other Co-operative Societies and guide them in their working.
- to buy and sell securities for the legitimate investment of surplus funds and act as agents for buyers and sellers of securities of Central/State.
- to carry on general business of Banking and other banking activities to the members and customers.
- to purchase, acquire or raise or otherwise obtain moveable or immoveable property for the own use of the Bank and also to dispose them of when not required.
- to take measures to help Co-operative Education.
- to promote and undertake Co-operative Research and Co-operative Development.
- to manage, sell or release any property which may come into the possession of the bank in satisfaction of or part satisfaction of any of its claims.
- to promote economic interest of the members of the Bank in accordance with the principles of Cooperation.
- to do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the promotion and advancement of the business of the Bank.